Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I realized it yesterday: how much I need to keep myself intact and composed.

I did everything in my account to keep myself in place. I tried it all. Books, cakes, chocolates, movies, singing and dancing. Finally, it came to COFFEE!
This just isn't about being how you make it and drink it. It is more on how good it makes you feel afterwards. It could just be mere drift towards change that everyone of us desire for. Anyhow, I realize now that it is lot more than just some satisfaction I get. I felt it defines me just like writing and reading defines. I love it! 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

my illusion, i am doubtful and miserable me

Truth be told, I am very happy in the initial stages of my blogging. I feel like I own to blog. Literally, blogging for whatever reasons makes me to blog, is pleasant. 

Even today, right now I am happy because it is just you, no one is involved. You aren't force to do it. You did it, blog it for yourself; left alone how many people are reading your articles or are commenting. It is just my guilty pleasure but taking out the guilty.

I have it all, seeing my writings in monsoon, summer and winter, throughout the year. It is like your writing has grown partly, matured and aged with time flow. I would be wrong to say, I have gotten better. Just that I feel some changes when I read through my previous writings. Again, it is nothing close to improvements because I lack good skills a writer or a blogger needs. Setting aside my weaknesses in writing, I feel writing is me; making mistakes, slipping over and feeling bad for being so limited.